APIC results
Reconstruction using a small dataset
We imaged a Siemens star target and conducted reconstructions using FPM and APIC with a small dataset. We also imaged the Siemens star target using a 40x objective, whose NA is matched with the theoretical synthetic NA of APIC. The results are shown in the following. Although FPM’s reconstruction is visually similar to the other two images, we can nonetheless see that the reconstructed spokes in FPM are distorted (see the spokes on the upper half of the image). From the figure on the right, we can see APIC is closer to the ground truth.
Highly aberrated samples
The following shows an example of using APIC to extract aberration of an imaging system and perform complex field reconstruction with aberration correction. FPM reconstructed amplitude and phase are also shown for comparison.
As we can see from the results shown above, APIC successfully reconstructed the phase and amplitude of the sample. In contrast, FPM reconstructions are severely distorted. This is because FPM failed to retrieve the correct aberration function while APIC demonstrated unparalleled robustness against aberrations.
H&E stained breast cancer cells
Here is an example of using APIC to do color reconstructions. A hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained breast cancer sample was imaged using red, green, and blue LEDs. APIC was used to do the complex field reconstructions.
The comparison of a small region of APIC reconstructed result and the raw measurement under Kohler illumination can be found in the figure below.
Click and slide the light orange slider to compare two images. (To download the full size image, click here: APIC_H&E, Kohler_illumination )
The comparison of FPM reconstructed color image and APIC reconstructed image can be found below. We selected two different regions to do reconstructon. The one shown on the left was reconstructed using the central patch and the one on the right was from an off-axis patch. It is easy to see the reconstruction using FPM is noisier compared with the one reconstructed by APIC.